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NSA Documents

Found on the NSA website

Student handout of the Basic Morse Course

Fort Devens, Mass. Circa 1972.

Army Security Agency Recruiting pamphlet

NSA Document – DOCID 4019712

Declassified Documents released by NSA on 10-17-2012

How To Make a Morse Op
This smoking gun article describes exactly when Morse begins to alter the brain. It is when an operator copies code past fifteen Groups Per Minute or seventy-five characters.

Click here to learn more about recent research

National Security Agency
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
4th Issue, 1988

NSA Document – DOCID: 3928820

Approved for release by NSA on 12-01-2011, Transparency Case #63852

The Use of Compressed Speech in Selecting Morse Code Operators

This paper documents an experiment in which the ability to comprehend time-compressed speech was investigated as a possible screening technique for identifying individuals who possess an aptitude for copying morse code signals.

O5H (Morse Intercept Operator)
Lf Performance: An Exploratory Study


Beverly G. Knapp, Frances L. Carter, & Richard A. Hagerdon

Recently unearthed technical report describing the operator population as outgoing practical jokers who appeared crazy.

NSA Document – DOCID 4009719

Declassified Documents released by NSA on 10-11-2012

This is a great article describing the chaos that ensued during a communication change. And the daily grind a Morse Intercept Operator thrived in.’
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